Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Frilly Poppy ~ alcohol inks

7.5x5.75 alcohol inks on gessoed matboard, another experiment with inks on a different support.  First I dribbled a line of rubbing alcohol 50% vertically for the stem then put lime green ink at tip of chopstick to control the flow.  Next I "drew" left side of poppy petals with spray mister stem, taken out of its bottle, dipping back and forth to provide a path for the inks.  Using Sangria, Magenta, and Santa Fe reds along with small amount of  Sunbright yellow I dotted the inside of the flower.  Also used a plastic dropper to put in tiny amounts of alcohol here and there.  The inks dry very fast so lastly I used sapphire blue, a dark hue, for the poppy centre.
Image COPYRIGHT 2016 Kay Smith.


Siggi in Downeast Maine said...

How clever you are !
Love how the poppy came out...
you are inspiring me to try them again!

Tricia said...

How did you like the gessoed surface?
It looks as if it worked out OK.

Kay Smith said...

Siggi, I hope you do try again!

Tricia, I love working on gessoed supports! The ink was easier to handle and mix.

Antique Glass

10x8 acrylics on canvas done last Monday from one of my antique store photos taken in 2011 but never painted. A collection of colored glass...