Monday, October 30, 2017

Floral Glow

4x6 alcohol ink on professional photo paper done recently as a quickie demo.  I love the hot red at the base of the flower, then orange-red, followed by hot pink.  Green is made with the color Lettuce and is very natural appearing.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith         Email: to purchase via PayPal             Cost:    $85


Billie Crain said...

Wow, this one turned out exceptionally well!

Kay Smith said...

Thank you, Billie, I was just playing around here, not trying hard to make any of it work. Sometimes that is the best way.

Snowy Aspens

6x4 watercolor using White NIghts paints on 80 lb paper in Joggles sketchbook done last week from a photo I took in Ruidoso a few years ago...