Saturday, October 28, 2017

Polkadot Apple

8.5x8.5 mixed media collage on paper done today.  Using the soft toned back side of a failed alcohol ink, I brush sketched an apple outline in acrylics, then negatively painted the fruit.  Since most of the blotchy color was yellow green I went with red and turquoise spice colors as accents.  Torn polkadot red tissue paper was added in three places.  Black India ink was put on at the top stem.  Cast shadow was blue mixed with a bit of cadmium red acrylics and background was a mixed grey of palette colors.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith                            Email:                               Cost:  $115

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Snowy Aspens

6x4 watercolor using White NIghts paints on 80 lb paper in Joggles sketchbook done last week from a photo I took in Ruidoso a few years ago...