Monday, September 30, 2013

Flowers on a Piano

20x16 acrylic palette knife painting on canvas of fresh pansies and purple anemones in turquoise vases on top of a piano.
Image is COPYRIGHT Kay Smith 2013.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Mountain Goat

15x11 watercolor on Saunders 140 lb cold press paper, a piece done a few years ago of a lone mountain goat surveying his domain.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Midge Cat Resting

6x6 watercolor over ink drawing done last night and today using Pigma Micron 01 pen on Masters paper.  Midge is one of our rescue kitties whom we've had 2 years now.  Her previous owner took her (sadly, I am sure) to our animal control where she was caged waiting to be euthanized unless by some miracle, a forever home appeared.  We were searching for our lost tuxedo cat Chili but he wasn't there, so we selected Midge plus another larger black and white male, Chester.  They are best buds now!
Image is COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Tie-dyed Tabby

6x6 watercolor over ink drawing on Masters paper of a quirkly tabby cat appearing to be tie-dyed.  This imaginary fun fellow had colors simply thrown into a wet wash at random in a cool pet portrait.
Image COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Florists Lilies Original Watercolor

22x15 watercolor original, first posted on this blog November 22, 2011, an image I did not watermark.  Compare to the Target cushion described and pictured in my earlier post today.  The lower 1/4 which contains my signature was conveniently cropped to not show. 
Image is COPYRIGHT 2011 Kay Smith.

Here is the link for 11/22/11 post:

Floral Lilies Copyright Infringement by Target Stores!

It has happened again.  Twice this year my floral watercolors have been stolen and reproduced without authorization/license agreement (copyright infringement) by a major retailer and marketed as cushions or pillows.  This current design here is on Target Stores/Australia's website.  A Canadian artist spotted it and alerted me today to the blatant disregard for artist's intellectual property that we copyright.  I have contacted Target, as I did with TJMaxx/Home Goods in April this year to cease marketing stolen images.  Disgusting!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Happy Hound

8.5x6 watercolor drawn yesterday and painting begun, then finished this morning before work.  In between commissions, shows, traveling, marketing, and other exhibits (mostly out of town) I'm busy doing a pet portrait daily to post on our dog and cat Tumblr blog, Bowwows and Meows.  Lately I've been experimenting using a nose from one breed and ears from a different animal and/or fur and hair colors.  The small portraits are designed to show an unusual angle or composition.  Support used here is ColorSketch paper with Daniel Smith pigments and is lightly tinted a pale yellow.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Check Advantage Designs: Personal Fine Art Checks!

Here's one more in my Houses and Barns series, as reproduced on Check Advantage artistic designed checks and address labels.  More selections are now online with this Wisconsin company who does amazing reproductions! To see more of my exciting printed fine art visit this link:
The old shack above, an original watercolor 15x22, is still available.  The old wooden house is located in O'Donnell, TX..
All my check designs are copyright Kay Smith 2013.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Alfie dog

6x6 watercolor over ink line drawing (Pigma Micron 01 pen) on Masters sketchbook 70 lb paper.  This cute little mutt is named after the TV dog "Alfie", a Heinz 57 mixed breed dog.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Laid Back kitten

6x6 watercolor over ink sketch with Pigma Micron 01 pen on Masters paper, drawn and begun last night.  This little fellow is out light a light on his back without a care in the world.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Tuna Time Cat

6x8.5 watercolor over ink sketch using Pigma Micron 01 pen on Masters 70 lb paper done yesterday of a tuxedo cat licking his chops anticipating some tunafish for his dinner.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Merry Macaw

6x6 watercolor with parrot drawn using Pigma Micron 01 ink pen on Masters paper.  It has been awhile since I've done any macaw parrots and did this fellow today in about an hour.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


22x15 watercolor, an older commissioned work featuring a friend's Indian heritage and important icons and images of his life such as a bobcat, egret, elk, eagle, bear, alligator, and swamp.  This work is SOLD.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Double Trouble Pups

6x8.5 watercolor of two Border collie mix puppies belonging to Grace on WetCanvas! She featured them on the current Weekend Drawing Event in which an artist has only 2 hours to draw and paint one of the sixteen photos.  I did this one in an hour.  Next month is my turn to host a WDE so have been busy taking different shots to post for our worldwide participants.  Grace and pups live in Australia.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Toy Time Cat

6x6 watercolor and ink on Masters 70 lb sketchbook paper done yesterday.  This grey tabby is having too much fun chasing one of those "bird" toys.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Personal Artistic Checks from CheckAdvantage!

Another watercolor of chickens, as reproduced on Check Advantage artistic designed checks and address labels.  More selections are now online with this Wisconsin company who does amazing reproductions! To see more of my exciting printed fine art visit this link:
All my check designs are copyright Kay Smith 2013.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Gray Calico kitten

6x6 watercolor over ink drawing using Daniel Smith paints and Pigma Micron 01 pen by Sakura, done a couple of days ago while in the mountains.  This imaginary gray tortoiseshell calico kitten is trying to hide under her blankets.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Boxer Stare

6x6 watercolor and Pigma Micron 01 pen on Masters paper painted Thursday from a composite of several boxer photos, a tight crop with an endearing compositional pose and that brown-eyed stare.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Puss in Boots

6x6 watercolor of a cute orange and white kitten getting cozy with an old black work boot.  Drawn with Pigma Micron 01 pen on Masters paper yesterday and painted with Daniel Smith pigments, a limited palette of quinacridone burnt orange and gold plus ultramarine blue.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cozy Cafe

12x18 watercolor completed today of a cozy cafe where I sat with my sister-in-law.  I fell in love with its red striped awnings, geranium window box and the green shutters.  This is painted on Strathmore 140 lb cold press paper with Daniel Smith pigments.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

New App Filter on Yesterday's Art

Here's the same cat and sunflower painting as posted yesterday, but with a filter in PhotoSketch app. This totally changes its appearance.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sunflower Cat

6x6 watercolor of an orange tabby posing by a large sunflower, two happy faces in one painting.  I drew this last night using Pigma Micron 01 pen on Masters 70 lb paper and painted with Daniel Smith pigment of quinacridone burnt orange and gold, lemon yellow, carbazole violet, sap green, ultramarine blue.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Rusty, Jack Russell terrier

6x6 watercolor over ink line with Pigma Micron 01 on Masters 70 lb paper, done last night, of another artist's Jack Russell terrier.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Lovely Lilac Point Siamese cat

5x8.5 watercolor painted late yesterday afternoon of this lovely Siamese kitty with lilac point markings. It was featured on current weekend drawing event on WetCanvas.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Mattie O'Brien West Highland Terrier

8x6.5 watercolor done last evening after meeting this cute terrier, a rescue, at the dog park. The owner let me take photos as most proud pet parents do.
Image is COPYRIGHT Kay Smith 2013.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Empty Bowl kitty

8x6.5 watercolor of a former rescue kitty of ours named Hungry Jack.  Painted today on Color Sketch paper with Daniel Smith paints.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Sleeping Jezebel Cat

6x6 watercolor over yesterday's ink sketch on Masters paper, done today of studio Siamese Jezebel. I've tinted her pet bed pink as it is tan and brown in real life. Her bed is in a red wicker chair. She sleeps a lot now and is so thin, due to age, as she is 13ish.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Fall Birches

6x4.5 watercolor of several birch trees lining up for fall color, painted yesterday afternoon, a largely imaginary scene of a thick growth of branches and brambles.  I used Daniel Smith paints on Langton Prestige 140 lb cold press paper.  When dry, I splattered pyrrol orange and Halloween Orange by American Journey.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Bernese Mountain Dog

12x9 watercolor of a Bernese mountain dog, today's first painting on Canson 140 lb cold press paper.  A limited palette was used:
Ultramarine blue, quinacridone burnt orange/gold, permanent rose.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Barn Cat

6x6 watercolor over ink pen sketch using Pigma Micron 01 by Sakura. This is done from a 1970s photo and was really fun painting all the texture from the barn cat’s soft fur to the roughened and weathered barnwood planks.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2013 Kay Smith.  I've posted this one today on our new dog and cat Tumblr blog Bowwows and Meows.


7x9 mixed media using markers and watercolor in sketchbook, Master's Touch 80 lb paper, done last week. This is the fourth neurographic...