Friday, September 25, 2015

Poppy Perfection - (demo) Midland Palette Club Acrylics Workshop

22x15 acrylics on Kilimanjaro 140 lb cold press paper, a demo painted today in Midland, Texas for Palette Club members.  The lesson was on studying acrylic applications used as watermedia; it is almost impossible to tell the difference.  I used both acrylic inks and paints, putting in dark areas first.  Some negative work can be seen in background poppy pods.  Tomorrow's demonstration will be on using acrylics on canvas like oils.  Today is also Day 25 of 30 day annual challenge as noted below.

Since 9-1-15, I've posted daily works on Leslie Saeta's #30paintingsin30days challenge she hosts annually on her blog Slices of Life you can see HERE.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2015 Kay Smith.

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