Sunday, January 31, 2021

A Gray Cat

5.5x5.5 mixed media in Arteza sketchbook 90 lb paper. After a pencil sketch, I put grey Brusho wc crystals over the fur then used watercolor, gouache, acrylic markers for background, and white gel pen for highlighted whiskers. Image from own photos. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Gerbera Daisies Display

4.25 x 7.5 watercolor on Fabriano rough 140 lb. cold press rough paper completed a few days ago this week from one of my floral nursery photos of gerbera daisies. Parts of the background and the wire table top were omitted to focus on the flowers. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Friday, January 29, 2021

Zebra Outlook

11x8.5 watercolor and black India ink on paper done today as part of an online animal challenge. A vignette format was chosen with loose splashy edges keeping the zebra in sharp focus. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith.

Thursday, January 28, 2021


11x15 watercolor on Bienfang 140 lb cold press paper, an earlier work featuring two young pigs. Ref courtesy Li Newton for the 6-15-16 WetCanvas weekend drawing event. COPYRIGHT Kay Smith

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Longhorn Statue

5.5x5.5 mixed watermedia on 140 lb cold press paper done recently in Arteza sketchbook, sketched from a metal longhorn sculpture. I cropped out the rest of its body to focus on the head area. I used Brusho, watercolor, Inktense pencils, and gouache. Ref courtesy WetCanvas! COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Baby Sparrow

12x9 mixed media on Canson 140 lb cold press paper begun last week using the paper I'd had for a backing sheet, thus all the various marks. Next an outline of a baby sparrow was sketched in ink then the background filled in using watercolor gouache, gel pen, India ink, Brusho, and acrylics for this contemporary bird painting. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Monday, January 25, 2021

Floral Shapes

9x6 watercolor on Canson 140 lb cold press paper done a few days ago, some floral random shaped petals over an already abstract painted background. Just for fun this time nothing serious. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Toucan Times

10.5x12 mixed media on corrugated paper board done recently. I sketched the bird in ink using STA Lictin 0.8 pen, then used watercolor and gouache. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Birthday Sunflower

5x7 watercolor on Masters premium paper 140 lb cold press sketched in pencil and painted today, a foggy, wet day, to celebrate getting a year older. This work is SOLD and is from my many sunflower photos. This one in particular is from a bouquet my mother had and I photographed it from every angle. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Friday, January 22, 2021

Blue Tit on Snowy Thistle

8x6 watercolor on Hahnemuhle grey toned paper in sketchbook, done for current WetCanvas! weekend drawing event. Photo courtesy host Connie via blende12 on Pixabay. I added a snowy thistle for the bird from own refs. COPYRIGHT Kay Smith 2021.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Chickadee Snowstorm

5.5x5.5 watercolor on Arteza sketchbook paper done a few days ago, an imaginary chickadee braving the cold snow, out searching for food. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Hooked ~ Grayling Fish

5.5x5.5 watercolor and Brusho in Arteza sketchbook of a type of salmon fish, done for an online challenge, All Animals Watercolor. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Spent Sunflower

8x8 watercolor on Masters premium 140 lb cold press paper sketched in pencil today then color added. I used Ken Oliver fluid watercolors along with American Journey pigments in this floral of a sunflower way past its prime. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Monday, January 18, 2021

More Pink Petals

9x5 watercolor on Canson 140 lb cold press paper drawn and painted today, another floral bouquet that I am hoping will hurry spring along. These imaginary blooms can be roses or ranunculus, take your pink, and are in a clear glass vase. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Tiny Bouquets

2.5x3.5 watercolor on Canson 140 lb cold press paper using leftover Ken Oliver fluid/liquid watercolors. I did a pulled print from paint used yesterday, simply placing the paper (wet and blotted both sides) face down then lifted up. The colors reminded me of an array of pink and white blooms so that is what transpired by adding vases and details to define the subject. Brush only, no pencil. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith Actual size:

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Indian Brave

8x6 liquid watercolors (Ken Oliver) on new grey Hahnemuhle paper in A5 format, an imaginary figure to test out the paints. I bought them last year but had never tried them and they performed really well on the toned support. An abstract background using a mix of the colors was added last. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Friday, January 15, 2021


15x22 watercolor over partially gessoed matboard sketched in pencil in a rough outline. The gesso gives a slick finish upon which to work and also lends textural effects to the finished painting. This was one of my sunflowers planted awhile back. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Hilltop Music

12x18 watercolor on Canson 140 lb cold press paper done last week, an imaginary landscape featuring abstracted shapes with a high horizon line. When almost dry, tree lines were scraped in or put in with white gouache towards the bottom half. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Pretty Pear Collage

8.25x5.25 mixed media collage in my junk journal done today on a page already had sprayed with walnut ink stain and a dictionary page part collaged onto it. Left side red letter text was junk mail from Publisher's Clearing House. Sketched using alcohol based markers, the pear was put in using other junk mail and magazine for torn paper collage effects. Pink marker colored in the bottom and at random. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

More Pompous Poppies

15x11 watercolor on Saunders Waterford 140 lb cold press paper, a demo done for my Monday afternoon art class. In this imaginary garden scene of poppies, I demonstrated negative versus positive shapes, warms against cools, contrasts and complementary colors along with balance, repetition, unity, etc. design principles. This was painted wet on dry using American Journey and Daniel Smith paints for the most part. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Monday, January 11, 2021

Sweet Petite Chickadee in Junk Journal

8.25x5.25 mixed media/collage on vintage book page in junk journal. Sketched in hard charcoal pencil, the chickadee is sweet and petite as the pickle label suggests. I used watercolor, gouache, and white gel pen to finish this one done last week. For some of the vertical lines I painted gouache on the edge of cardboard and stamped it onto the paper. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Avenue of Trees

12x9 Brusho watercolor on Canson 140 lb cold press paper done today as part of a WetCanvas watermedia monthly challenge. Image courtesy EP. Since we had a lot of snow today it was just the right mood for this winter scene of trees. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Wild Cosmos

5.5x5.5 watercolor on Arteza sketchbook, 110 lb cold press paper done a few days ago. Photo courtesy Jo Castillo on WetCanvas. I love cosmos and these wayward blooms seemed to grow wild by the garden pots. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Friday, January 8, 2021

Quirky Sunflowers

11x15 watercolor on 140 lb Saunders cold press paper, an imaginary scene inspired by a dying sunflower. This work is SOLD. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Thursday, January 7, 2021


22x30 watercolor on 140 lb cold press Saunders Waterford paper, an imaginary white peace doves painting. Are they inside or outside? COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Shirley Poppies

5x5 watercolor on Masters 140 lb cold press paper sketched and drawn today from poppy photos featuring the red, pink and white color mix of this variety which originated in England. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Tuesday, January 5, 2021


5.5x5.5 watercolor on Arteza 110 lb paper in new sketchbook done a few days ago to break it in into the new year. The cat was on a greeting card that was given to me. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Monday, January 4, 2021

December Poppies

6x4 watercolor on Fabriano rough 140 lb cold press paper done last month, an imaginary floral garden scene of poppies swaying in the wind. This work is SOLD. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Butterfly on Pink Zinnia

12x9 alcohol markers on Masters premium paper for markers done the day before the new year's eve. This was from a photo taken outside the studio classroom when I grew a bed of multicolored zinnias. A watercolor version of it was done previously in a half sheet 22x15 size. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Strawberries on Yellow Plate

5x8 watercolor on Winsor Newton 140 lb cold press paper painted yesterday for the first art of the new year. Today two more were done of a cat and a floral garden. The primary colors of the red berries, yellow plate, and blue cloth were exciting to me. Painted wet on dry in a direct manner this still life is available on in my gallery there. Image courtesy WetCanvas for the weekend drawing event where participants have two hours to select then paint their choice. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

Friday, January 1, 2021

Celebrate a New Year 2021 ~ Bye Bye 2020

10.25 x 4.25 watercolor on Canson 140 lb cold press paper, another in my New Year celebration series. The thin ribbons are leftover Christmas trim and bottle of bubbly is long gone. For this one, I did use masking fluid. I may have to buy a bottle of something as my birthday is coming up this month. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith


7x9 mixed media using markers and watercolor in sketchbook, Master's Touch 80 lb paper, done last week. This is the fourth neurographic...