Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Chicken Ranch - watercolor collage

15x22 Arches, chickens are wc collage cut from one failed painting on top of really bad old wooden shacks painting to make a new view. It is meant to be a humorous piece from two 'dogs'. Moral of the story: Never throw away a bad painting. You can always recycle it! This painting will be part of a traveling exhibit to the Hill Country galleries in a few months.


Anonymous said...

Wondered to your blog from WC! and found this painting. Funny and cute! Your chickens are fluffy, I like the colors that make them white and how they seem to march. Good thing that you didn't throw out the original painting you didn't like. The result is a success.


Stephie Butler said...

This is fabulous Kay. Your creativity never ceases to amaze me and just gets better. I really can't believe you had a failed painting though :)

Winter Bridge

8x10 acrylics on canvas recently painted, a frozen winter scene somewhere. COPYRIGHT 2025 Kay Smith