Monday, October 31, 2011

Hollyhocks Hurrah

1/2 sheet Italia 140 lb cold press, WN paints, of pink and red hollies seen blooming their last hurrah while recently in Prescott, Arizona.  No pencil drawing was done, brush only, and I added leaves, stems, and other shapes in the background.  Plain water was used with #12 brush to outline shapes then colors dropped in and allowed to mingle as watercolor should be.  Size is 15x22 inches.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

It is Halloween-Pumpkin Kitty

15x11 watercolor of my kitty embracing a large pumpkin to celebrate fall and Halloween which is here!

Chris Beck had issued a challenge for us to paint a spooky image (not too sure mine is spooky but may be spunky).  She will be posting our images on her blog along with Pablo Villicana Lara on his blog.

Please take a look at our artwork on their blogs.

Chris Beck:
Pablo Villicana Lara:

List of ParticipantsJanet Belich: 

Janet Belich:

Debbie Cannatella:

R. Garriott:

Jeanette Jobson:

Ron Morrison:

Diahn Ott:

Suzy Pal Powell:

Terry Rafferty:

Deb Ward:

Brenda York: 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Bunch of Carrots

7x5 watercolor on Fabriano Artistico 140 lb hot press paper of fresh carrots ready for the cook's pot, with lots of fiber and good vitamin A just for you.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Elephants - a watercolor collage

7.5 x 5.5 watercolor with hand colored rice paper collage on Italia 140 lb cold press paper; American Journey paints.  I really wanted to show the texture of the ellies rough hide.  Photo ref Wet Canvas reference image library.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Albuquerque Town - Southwest Shops

15x22 watercolor on Fabriano 140 lb hot press paper from several photo references of mine taken while in New Mexico.  An imaginary scene of shoppers eyeing colorful Indian blankets and wares.  This painting was done Tuesday during JoBeth Gilliam's class in Lamesa, TX.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hay Barn and Silos

15x22 watercolor imaginary farm scene on Saunders 140 lb paper, painted wet in wet.  From the chickens pecking in the foreground to hay stacked inside and the blue skies above this painting brings back many memories of farm life and the hard work that goes with it.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Garden Nook

10 3/4 x 16 inches, watercolor on 300 lb Saunders paper, a totally imaginary scene of a quiet place to sit, read, or rest awhile.  My basket of roses and straw hat are on the old concrete bench while a trellis supports other garden plants and flowers.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Splash 7 Tulips Bouquet

22x15 watercolor of mixed tulips in old white vase.  This still life is remembering the flowers painted I bought myself after getting my work of a white cockatoo included in North Light's Splash series.  It is painted wet in wet on 140 lb cold press paper.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Wildflowers - Yellow Primrose

15x22 watercolor of yellow evening primrose, a common roadside flowering weed or wildflower.  I photographed these close up growing in the vacant lot next door then painted them.  This painting was my first one accepted into the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies a few years ago in Surprise, Arizona.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Cat Pet Portrait

5x7 watercolor of white kitty from one of my older references; this was painted in my hotel rooms while traveling in Arizona this week. I believe it is a Turkish Angora breed.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Lilac Chair

22x15 watercolor of a lilac basket perched on an old pale blue wooden garden chair.  This is the second time I've painted the subject and have also done it twice using geraniums and a different chair.  Garden subjects are so much fun to paint and depict a carefree day.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Mums Sale

15x22 watercolor on Kilimanjaro 140 lb cold press paper from a photo I took a few years ago in Home Depot's parking lot by their greenhouses.  It was October and the beginning of cooler weather and the perfect time to plant chrysanthemums.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

I Remember When

30x22 watercolor of an imaginary saloon bar gal back in early Western days; this is a commission.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Cuppa Cocoa still life

5.75 x 7.25 inches watercolor over Micron 01 pen drawing on Italia 140 lb watercolor paper of a steaming cup of hot chocolate cocoa, whipped cream, spoon, and dairy creamer.  Still life photo courtesy Jean from WetCanvas from this weekend drawing event challenge.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pixie - figure in gouache

22x15 gouache on Fabriano 140 lb hot press paper, also drawn from a live model.  I did lots of sponging off and repainting of her skin tones and clothing, and have not added collage yet but may do so.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Abilene Antique Quilt

15x11 watercolor of an old worn out white wicker chair with handmade quilt thrown over its back, a scene in Abilene, TX antique store. I was shopping the flea market route along with my youngest brother and cousin when we found this tiny store.  Look closely and you can see the chair springs where its seat was.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Floating Foliage-lilypads

10x8 watercolor on Saunders 140 lb cold press paper of lilypads and blooms floating on water.  Some negative shapes can be seen within the array of vivid colors.  This painting is SOLD.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Karen - 4 Poses watermedia collage

15x22 Arches hot press 140 lb paper with charcoal drawn views of the same model.  Collage added to middle ground and to her skirt while gold watercolor makes up the background.  A tennis shoe imprinted handmade stamp is the pattern seen on her blouse.  I used the Matisse acrylic paint for neutral foreground made by Derivan in Australia.   This is the last one done in Liz Hill's class and is the most unusual.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Attitude - a watermedia collage figure

22x15 watercolor, gouache, collage over life drawn figure in  charcoal done in Liz Hill's class a few days ago at Wenmoh's Ranch.  Stamping was done using my hand carved block; rose red giftwrap make up the collar, cuffs, and trim on the model's shirt jacket. I also used colored pencil at random.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Rosemary - a watermedia collage

22x15 watercolor, gouache, torn paper napkin, oil pastel, acrylic, watersoluble colored pencil over a 10 minute charcoal drawing; this is from a live model during Liz Hill's workshop held at Dena Wenmoh's ranch.  The art retreat is located at Cypress Mill, TX and is a working ranch.  The focus of Houstonian Liz Hill's class was to observe drawing from life and render it free and fun, loosen your creativity, and enjoy the process.  Support is Arches 140 lb. hot press paper.  To see Liz' work visit her at
and check out Dena's bunkhouse at in the Texas Hill Country.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Autumn Leaf

5.5x7.5 watercolor of a single leaf in fall colors; an underpainting was done first onto wet paper then negative painting for small rocks and debris.

Monday, October 3, 2011

All Ears Mules

15x22 watercolor of two mules that belonged to a friend.  The background scene is imaginary to depict a hot dry southwestern feel.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Flower Power chrysanthemums

15x22 watercolor of a grouping of potted mums I photographed on my patio one fall years ago.  I've painted variations of it different ways wet in wet on Saunders 140 lb paper.  It is that time of year to get your chrysanthemums planted for some vivid fall color!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Black Cat Silhouette

7.5 x 11 watercolor of a black cat's outline against a twilight sky using opaque paints.  This work was done all mixes of blacks then scrubbed out and negative spaces filled in around head, body, and whiskers.


7x9 mixed media using markers and watercolor in sketchbook, Master's Touch 80 lb paper, done last week. This is the fourth neurographic...