Monday, October 24, 2011

Garden Nook

10 3/4 x 16 inches, watercolor on 300 lb Saunders paper, a totally imaginary scene of a quiet place to sit, read, or rest awhile.  My basket of roses and straw hat are on the old concrete bench while a trellis supports other garden plants and flowers.


Unknown said...

Wow Kay, I just love this!!! It is joyful.

irinasztukowski said...

Sometimes imaginary place can bring your state of mind further than any real place on Earth. I love your place. I feel related. I am sure that I'm not alone :)
Thank you Kay,

Cactus and Agave

8x6 watercolor on rough handmade paper done over a week ago combining two references into one composition of prickly pear cactus along with...