Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Rust in Peace (old car)

11x15 watercolor on Arches 140 lb hot press paper, of an old antique jalopy car, broken down and giving up the ghost on an abandoned road.  Parked and left to rust in peace, this ancient vehicle slowly crumbles and settles into the earth.  I did negative painting around its sides and background for trees and branches, overgrown and reaching out to cover the junked metal automobile.  For this work I used only 3 colors:  Winsor Newton Alizarin Crimson, Antwerp Blue, and Arylide Yellow which were spritzed onto dry paper, blended, then developed.  (Ref courtesy WetCanvas)
Image is COPYRIGHT 2010 Kay Smith.

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Bunch of Beauty

9.5x7 watercolor on cold press paper, free form grapes using only a black and white reference, over a multicolored underpainting of soft gr...