Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Poppy Prize

6.5x7 alcohol inks on paper that is today's work.  Starting off with only three primaries of pale pink, turquoise, and yellow gold I covered the area then blended with blending solution.  When dry within a few moments I added lime green then more yellow around edges.  Sangria Magenta was added which is a pink but over the yellow gold it turned more red.  Center dark areas were blown with a large drinking straw and a coffee stirrer.  Juniper green was last and leaves and pods done with it; stems made by ink drops on tip of a wooden chopstick for thin lines.
Image COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith.

Painted Indian Pony

22x30 acrylics over older abstract that is now reworked and is more pleasing to me. In this imaginary native American decorated war horse ...