Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Owl Flying ~ day 21 of 30 in 30 challenge

5.5x8.5 watercolor and watercolor pencils on Bienfang mixed media sketchbook that is today's work.  In this wildlife nature scene I've cropped the bottom of his wings in order to showcase his face and trees behind.  A mix of Coastal Fog, burnt sienna, and ultramarine make the neutral sky color on an overcast day.  It is day 21 of Leslie Saeta's 30 paintings in 30 days challenge.
Image COPYRIGHT 2016 Kay Smith.

1 comment:

Jan said...

This is scrumptious!

Snowy Aspens

6x4 watercolor using White NIghts paints on 80 lb paper in Joggles sketchbook done last week from a photo I took in Ruidoso a few years ago...