Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Wistful Kitty

6x6 watercolor on Kilimanjaro 140 lb cold press paper done today, a pencil sketch the painting of a part calico stray cat I've worked on in the past, just different poses.  I love this kitty's golden eyes so translucent and her bright pink interior ear.  A few days ago I did a very loose cat in watercolor so will post it soon.  The look in her eyes may be saying 'adopt me' or 'when is my next meal?' Background is a mix of two opaques (they say never to mix more than one) Payne's Grey and Blue Bice which is a nice cool and soft tone to contrast with the golden colors in the cat's fur and eyes.
Image COPYRIGHT 2016 Kay Smith.

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Almost Bloomsday Again!

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