Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Frosty Morning Cabin

12x9 watercolor that is a previous scene. All the trees and end of log cabin are imaginary and were drawn loosely first. I put in pale washes diagonally across the sky using Prussian blue as it is a cool blue unlike others.  Background trees had to be softer and out of focus. Aspens and other foreground trees painted last as was the frozen water in immediate foreground.  By trial and error I did stumble upon a neat trick to painting masses of leaves that works better than anything.  Just lay your rigger (script liner) brush fully loaded across damp or dry paper and twist it; don't use its pointed tip.  It will be horizontal, almost flat.  This is painted on Canson 140 lb cold press paper.


laura said...

lovely. such beautiful grays!

Kay Smith said...

Thanks Laura!

Aquarius Self Portrait

15x11 watercolor on Canson 140 lb cold press paper, a self portrait finished last week. Using a side shot photo of myself plus part of wate...