Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Blue Bike

15x11 watercolor on Canson 140 lb cold press paper painted wet on dry.  I cropped a larger image of a blue bike and basket of flowers to focus on the blooms as well.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Monday, April 29, 2019

Strange Birds

6x9 alcohol inks and India ink on paper done today, a quick sketch with Micron 01 pen, then using a craft brush and coloration of these never before seen species.  Lastly I used black India ink on a chopstick to add a few lines.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Wonderful Westie Terrier

14.75x11.5 torn paper collage on black mat board done today after sketching his outline in white gel pen using primarily white and black with blue for his collar and tags.  Such a cute West Highland terrier.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Montana Barn

18x24 watercolor on Canson 140 lb cold press paper completed today after working for 3 days.  This barn scene is featured on a WetCanvas online contest as hosted by Hud.  The decaying structure and its companions of rusting metal sit silently in a grassy plain.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Friday, April 26, 2019

Black and Pink abstract

4x6 alcohol inks on glossy professional photo paper done a few days ago using only black and pink, blowing through a straw to move the ink around.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Special Sunflower

4.25x3.5 watercolor and Brusho on Kilimanjaro 140 lb cold press paper just done, a small but sunny and happy sunflower to cheer anyone's day.  I used Gamboge Brusho crystals first on partially wet paper for an underpainting, then sketched the petals before painting wet on dry.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Soft Roses

9x12 watercolor and Brusho on Canson 140 lb cold press paper done last week, some fresh pink roses and leaves.  I used Moss Green Brusho for an abstract background then some mixed pinks, yellows and soft reds.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Night Heron

9x5.5 watercolor and ink line of vintage book text done over the weekend; image courtesy WetCanvas of a graceful night heron amidst lots of leaves.  Micron 01 pen used to sketch the bird.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Monday, April 22, 2019

Chewbacca dog

9.5x7 colored pencils and watercolor pencils done yesterday for a WetCanvas weekend drawing event, a timed exercise with a 2 hour limit.  I selected this curly haired dog named Chewbacca; photo courtesy bjcpaints.  First version was without adding water, then this look which is much softer with water to smooth all his hair.  This dog pet portrait was done in my Ecosystem sketchbook.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter ~ Trumpet of the Lord

22x15 watercolor on Italia acquerello 140 lb cold press paper. The angel was actually cemetery statuary so I removed its base and portrayed the figure as if floating in clouds.  Hope everyone has a happy Easter Sunday! The title is taken from first verse of the hymn When the Roll is Called up Yonder.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Rabbit Noon

5x7.25 watercolor and gouache over ink line with Micron 01 pen, another black & white bunny in my series.  Sketched on old discarded book page paper this little animal could hop right into your lap while we wait for Easter to arrive.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Henry Boston Terrier

8.5x5.5 liquid pencil in sepia by Derwent, a graphic sketch using a brush of another artist's dog.  This was painted earlier in the month and is the second time I have painted her Boston terrier.  The Derwent set of liquid pencil has permanent properties but this sepia tone is not; it lifts right up if you make a mistake and is designed to resemble lead pencil.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Blackbird in Brusho

4.75x4.25 Brusho (watercolor crystals) on 140 lb cold press paper painted quickly this afternoon using brush only and water.  I used black Brusho and no other colors.  Two blackbirds yesterday were looking for food so they served as inspiration.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Delightful Daisies

11x14 watercolor on Yupo synthetic paper completed today after about 3 days of painting.  I used several of my own daisy photos, selecting which blooms to use for this brush only (no pencil) composition.  As usual Yupo provided nice surprises in areas where it mixed with other colors.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

White Cat and Potting Bench

22x15 watercolor of an imaginary gardening scene in which I put a white cat.  This has all the ingredients in a painting I love such as flowers, clay pots, annuals, watering cans, cats and tools.  Hollyhocks and geraniums have found their way into the composition as well.  It is painted on 140 lb cold press paper/Daniel Smith paints.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Monday, April 15, 2019

Spring Geraniums

6x4 alcohol inks on glossy white photo paper done this afternoon using pinks and greens, blowing them around with a large straw.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Lab Puppy

22x15 watercolor on 140 lb smooth/soft press paper painted a few years ago of an imaginary yellow lab puppy playing in a flowerbed of lilies.  Splattering was done when dry.  Paints used are Daniel Smith and DaVinci.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Wedding Day 1954 sketch

5.25x8.25 Uniball 0.7 pen and hard charcoal sketch in my grunge junk journal from the 50s, over partially gessoed page. I thought the old book would be a good choice for depicting my fellow artist's mother on her wedding day in 1954; love the hairstyles and clothing back then.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Friday, April 12, 2019

April Great Horned Owl

4.75x3.75 Brusho/watercolor/gouache bird art done this afternoon, drawing only with a brush using several old owl photos.  I used Dark Brown Brusho crystals over lightly spritzed with water 140 lb cold press paper.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Pecking Bird ~ Brusho sketch

9x6 Brusho and ink line using Micron 05 pen done today from a figurine, an imaginary bird pecking his way around in search of food tidbits.  Colors are not representative of any species.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Traveling Woman

12x9 mixed media collage a fairly recent face sketch I took out yesterday and updated.  The other version did not have her black hair showing at all so this was added with India ink.  Other media used was watercolor and acrylics with postage stamps and a figure as collage elements.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Shastas Shine

5.25x4.5 alcohol inks done in December on paper, an abstraction of shasta daisies, created for fun.  Only a few colors were used in this limited complementary palette.
COPYRIGHT Kay Smith 2018

Monday, April 8, 2019

Sparrow Spot ~ National Draw a Bird Day

9x12 Brusho and a small amount of watercolor on the sparrow's feathers of burnt sienna and ultramarine blue.  I first spritzed water at random with a fine mister spray onto dry paper then dusted Brusho watercolor crystals using Olive Green only.  Colors ran and patterns emerged.  When dry I did a pencil sketch using a small bird figurine from life then did the feathers making the imaginary male sparrow come alive for #National DrawABirdDay today.
COPYRIGHT Kay Smith 2019

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Proud Egret for National Draw a Bird Day ~ 8 April

4.75 x 6.75 watercolor on Saunders 140 lb cold press paper done this afternoon for #National Draw a Bird Day tomorrow.  I put an abstract background behind the proud egret's head for flashes of pink and green. Stay tuned for more.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Wild Mane

11x15 mixed media on Masters Touch 140 lb cold press paper done today to a similar imaginary horse style I've done before.  I used a blue multicolored pencil to sketch, then Brusho in several colors on sprinkled paper, watercolor, and Caran D'Ache wax crayons.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Friday, April 5, 2019

Proud Poppies

11x15 watercolor on Masters paper 140 lb cold press begun yesterday using brush only, no pencil sketch beforehand.  These colorful poppies are in an online contest and they sing a message of Spring and sunny skies.  Daniel Smith paints used along with #14 round brush.  Direct painting and no glazes or multiple washes.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Roadside Truck

9x12 watercolor on Canson 140 lb cold press paper sketched and painted last weekend.
This very old truck was parked by the roadside for years and is now gone. Rust had begun the decaying and aging process of the old metal finish. Daniel Smith paints used.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Incredible Irises

15x22 watercolor on Lanaquarelle 140 lb hot press paper from one of my iris photos begun last Wednesday.  This is painted wet on dry with multiple glazes.  I decided not to include the green background of leaves and other plants as seen in the photo.  The white of the paper is enough to showcase their beauty from the elegant apricot bloom on the right to the orange and purple others.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Red Ruby Throated Hummer

12x9 watercolor on Canson 140 lb cold press paper of a hummingbird close up from one of my bird photos. He seemed to be looking up away from the red flower at the bottom towards the next target.  This was painted wet on dry over the weekend.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith

Monday, April 1, 2019

Watercan Daffodils

4x6 watercolor on Canson 140 lb cold press paper done yesterday afternoon, an imaginary garden still life using my old metal watering can and early daffodils.
COPYRIGHT 2019 Kay Smith


7x9 mixed media using markers and watercolor in sketchbook, Master's Touch 80 lb paper, done last week. This is the fourth neurographic...