Sunday, December 31, 2023

Happy Cow ~ Happy New Year!

9x7 watercolor done last week on 80 lb sketchbook paper by Masters Touch; ref courtesy WetCanvas for an online challenge. This cow looks like it wants to lick someone but regardless, have a very Happy New Year 2024! COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Polar Bear Swim

7x9 watercolor on 80 lb sketchbook paper by Masters Touch, done last week or so as part of another online animal challenge. Photo ref courtesy WetCanvas. This polar bear is enjoying his deep dive in the water. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Friday, December 29, 2023

Silent Snow Buffalo

5.5x4.5 watercolor and Brusho miniature done recently this month on 140 lb cold press paper. In this buffalo in snow I've used light brown and grey Brusho wc crystals. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Sea Hawk

7x3 watercolor miniature of a raptor red shouldered hawk eyeing the water for a quick fish dinner. It is painted on 140 lb cold press paper done a few weeks ago; ref courtesy another artist for a WetCanvas weekend drawing event. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Blue Green Sea

7x9 watercolor in Masters sketchbook 80 lb paper done last month, another imaginary seascape featuring mostly blue hues and mixes of greens. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Blu ~ dog pet portrait

20x16 acrylics on wrapped canvas dog pet portrait commission recently done of a Blue Lacy breed. This was for a Christmas present and was well received. It is SOLD. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Monday, December 25, 2023

Santa Shipping and Handling

9x12 watercolor of Santa busy on someone's rooftop preparing to descend down the chimney with his too large bag of goodies. That family must have been extra good this year for so many crammed into one bag. Now you know why shipping and handling costs so much. Splatters of white gouache for snow were added when painting dried. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Sunday, December 24, 2023


12x9 mixed media using black India ink, acrylic ink, and acrylics on Grumbacher 140 lb cold press wc paper done this past week. In this abstraction, I've used pink hues for the heart that is in pieces. Most of us can relate to having ours broken at least once or twice in our lifetimes. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Snowy Country

7x9 watercolor and gouache in Masters Touch sketchbook 80 lb paper done a few days ago, an imaginary winter snow scene. In this scene I'm focused on the evergreen tree then the partial fence. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Friday, December 22, 2023

Rural Church in Snow

7x9 watercolor and white gouache in Masters Touch 80 lb paper completed yesterday, another in my rural church houses or church buildings series. In this imaginary rural snow scene the quiet church awaits people to come to worship. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Tree by Snowy Stream

9x6.75 watercolor of a simple imaginary winter snow scene, tree, and frozen water. Even though it is the first day of the Winter Solstice this painting imparts peace and calmness. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Shiny Red Balls

9x6.75 watercolor on 140 lb cold press paper done last week or so ago, another Christmas themed still life featuring ornaments against glistening snow. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

December White Amaryllis

8x8 watercolor on Masters Touch premium wc paper 140 lb cold press recently painted; ref courtesy WetCanvas Florals Botanicals forum monthly challenge. I enjoy painting white subjects as making their color important and impressive is part of the endeavor. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Monday, December 18, 2023

December Church

9x7 watercolor on Masters Touch 80 lb sketchbook paper done over the past weekend, another in my snow scene featuring church buildings. This one is set at night and the lights are on beckoning all to come in and worship. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Joyful Cardinal

4x4 watercolor on 140 lb cold press paper, a sheet I used underneath smaller works. After a careful pencil sketch of the cardinal, I used three red and red-orange hues of paint and a mixed black for his mask. Lots of fun to paint these imaginary scenes with birds. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Chilly Chickadee

4x3 watercolor on 140 lb cold press Grumbacher paper painted last month that has been gifted (not available). I used a marked up paper used to put small works on to catch drips. These marks were ignored as pencil sketch completed then painted for a unique effect. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Friday, December 15, 2023

Little Gnome

9x3 mixed media on 140 lb cold press wc paper done today. After pencil sketching the little gnome toy I put in white crayon marks for icy trees. White gouache was splattered into wet and damp paint for background. When dry a white gel pen was used to put in design marks on the gnome's hat. This is for a weekend drawing event on WetCanvas! online. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Flamboyant Fir Tree

9x3 watercolor using Rosa paints made in Ukraine done yesterday, a fun exercise of making moustache marks in different colors on dry paper then blowing through a straw. The blown paint goes in all directions. When dry splatters with red were done on 140 lb cold press paper. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Christmas Tree Reflections

3x6 watercolor miniature on Canson 140 lb. cold press paper done last week, a warm up exercise using no reference, only intuition and imagination. In this winter holiday Christmas trees are lined up ready to shine the joyful season. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Frosted Leaves

7x9 watercolor and Brusho on Masters Touch sketchbook 80 lb paper done over the last weekend as part of another WetCanvas drawing event; ref courtesy Rousay. Her photo had a green tone background so this was changed to a snowy landscape. Splattering done when dry using Rosa paints and/or white gouache. Brusho colors were grey and light brown. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Monday, December 11, 2023

Cardinal in the Cold

6x4 gouache on off white Crescent matboard done for my Monday class. They did their cardinals today. This fellow was braving a fresh new snow as seen on the tree branches behind him. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Evergreen Lake

7x9 watercolor done last week or so ago, on 80 lb cold press paper in Masters Touch sketchbook. Looking at photos of frozen lakes and trees inspired this scene of winter evergreens surrounding the body of water. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Caribou Snow

8x6 watercolor on Masters Touch premium paper 140 lb cold press, recently done for a contest featuring reindeer or caribou. As part of the herd they are out foraging for food in the snow. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Friday, December 8, 2023

Snowman and Lantern

9x7 watercolor using Rosa paints from Ukraine done this week as part of an online challenge hosted by another artist. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Mitten Stockings

7x9 watercolor in Masters Touch sketchbook done a few weeks ago as I was beginning to paint more Christmas themed images. These cozy mitten stockings are waiting to be stuffed with tiny treasures for Christmas day joy. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Barn Sunset

7x9 watercolor on Masters Touch 80 lb paper done last week or so ago from one of my many barn reference photos. Here the sun is slowly going down on the country farm landscape and its light can be seen through the open spaces in the barn's frame. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Country Barn in Snow II

12x6 watercolor on 140 lb cold press paper done week before last as a class exercise in painting snowy landscapes with barns. I had painted a first version of this imaginary scene years ago. Old fence posts poke through snow to point the viewer's eye upward as do the smaller branches and bare trees. These compositional additions also tie the foreground to the background in this vertical landscape. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Monday, December 4, 2023

Barn in Winter miniature

3x5 watercolor miniature on 140 lb cold press paper done last week, a crop of a larger winter landscape. In this imaginary snow scene an old red barn glistens in the newly fallen white carpet while the trees sit silently. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Fox Alert

9x7 watercolor using White Nights paints on Masters Touch 80 lb sketchbook paper done last weekend after Thanksgiving was over. This characterized red fox is on high alert and is much looser than my other painted animals. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Late Fall Freeze

7x9 mixed media in Masters Touch sketchbook 80 lb paper using white crayon and White Nights watercolors done last weekend. No reference used and no pencil sketch before painting. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith

Friday, December 1, 2023

Snowy Rural Route

7x9 watercolor using White Nights paints done last weekend on Masters Touch 80 lb paper. In this rural winter landscape I've focused on the house and its trees along the road covered in snow. COPYRIGHT 2023 Kay Smith


7x9 mixed media using markers and watercolor in sketchbook, Master's Touch 80 lb paper, done last week. This is the fourth neurographic...