4x6 alcohol inks done yesterday afternoon, just a quickie to loosen up to do some more inks. Three colors used in this: Lettuce, Stream, and Indigo.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $85
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Monday, October 30, 2017
Floral Glow
4x6 alcohol ink on professional photo paper done recently as a quickie demo. I love the hot red at the base of the flower, then orange-red, followed by hot pink. Green is made with the color Lettuce and is very natural appearing.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $85
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $85
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Watchful Eye Bird
6x9 acrylics on Canson 140 lb cold press paper painted yesterday as part of exploration of acrylics used as watercolor. Painted wet on dry, this bird was sketched previously but not painted. I used a #14 round. When dry, splatters were put on over the background. I'll use the sketch again to do another version.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost : $110
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost : $110
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Polkadot Apple
8.5x8.5 mixed media collage on paper done today. Using the soft toned back side of a failed alcohol ink, I brush sketched an apple outline in acrylics, then negatively painted the fruit. Since most of the blotchy color was yellow green I went with red and turquoise spice colors as accents. Torn polkadot red tissue paper was added in three places. Black India ink was put on at the top stem. Cast shadow was blue mixed with a bit of cadmium red acrylics and background was a mixed grey of palette colors.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net Cost: $115
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net Cost: $115
Friday, October 27, 2017
October Crow on Yupo
12x9 watercolor on medium weight Yupo synthetic paper done today. This October crow was painted from a WetCanvas RIL image featured in the current weekend drawing event in the All Media Art Events forum. With black animals or birds I try to see every color nuance within the neutral tones and do the same for white. This fellow had many colors within his graceful feathers.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $185
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $185
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Floral Pizzazz
4x6 alcohol inks done last week as a quickie demo, just a collection of golden, red, and pink blooms and green stems made with ink on a chopstick.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $85
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $85
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Virginia Village Lamps
12x9 watercolor on Fluid 140 lb cold press paper drawn yesterday and painted today using Daniel Smith and American Journey pigments. This is a cropped reference of a townscape that is shown here from current weekend drawing event on WetCanvas with Li Newton hosting. Since I love lamp posts and lanterns this view favors them as a focal point. A #14 round brush was used also.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $125
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $125
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Tree at Sunset
5.5x7.5 acrylics on gessoed 140 lb cold press paper done week before last at Bob Burridge's workshop in Lubbock, TX. Bob was showing us various types of design for landscapes done with only one color or two over an orangey background. These were painted very quickly within minutes.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith. Email: 1971ks@att.net for purchase via PayPal Cost: $105
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith. Email: 1971ks@att.net for purchase via PayPal Cost: $105
Monday, October 23, 2017
Pocket Park
9.5x7 watercolor and ink on Ecosystem sketchbook painted yesterday after last Tuesday's plein air event downtown Big Spring. Sketched in ink using Micron 01 pen, this lamp post and tree scene indicate the crisp autumn air showering the town's sidewalks with fallen leaves and debris. Late afternoon shadows are streaking diagonally across the very old brick building behind in the background. Someone had planted cotton seeds in the raised flowerbeds along with squash, I guess for that country touch!
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal. Cost: $115
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal. Cost: $115
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Red Desert Cactus
6x11 of a cactus scene. I struggle with acrylics and with landscapes so it was a learning experience. This is on gessoed matboard that I varnished afterward, using Bob Burridge's color wheel (Munsell). Red was first chosen for the dominant color that has turquoise opposite, and two spice colors are yellow-green and purple-blue. An orange-red underpainting was put on to begin the painting and that top sky is that hue. Faint mountains can be seen in the far distance.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $195
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $195
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Big Red Rooster
12x12 torn paper collage on wrapped canvas done today that was my studio class demo. This whimsical rooster was drawn with black felt tip marker onto clean white gessoed canvas, then various colors of torn paper were adhered with matte medium. Tomorrow it will be finished with gloss medium varnish of several coats. No photo references used.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $295
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $295
Friday, October 20, 2017
Kitty Worship
4x6 watercolor on Saunders 140 lb cold press paper completed yesterday for an online WetCanvas challenge in the Animal & Wildlife forum. This ginger orange tabby cat appears to be looking toward the sky or maybe just a bird in the branches.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $75
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $75
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Love Climbs Heart Balloon
11.25 x 8.75 acrylics on gessoed 140 lb watercolor paper done last week in Bob Burridge's Lubbock TX workshop. Bob showed us how to take a support that had leftover paint dabs and smears then negatively paint around a large heart shape air balloon and ladder. This is the same concept used on how he develops floral bouquets, etc.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net for PayPal purchase Cost: $185
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net for PayPal purchase Cost: $185
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Cluck Cluck Chicken
11.5x10 acrylics collage on gessoed 140 lb watercolor paper done last week in Bob Burridge's Lubbock TX workshop. Bob showed us how to peel off the dried acrylic 'skins' from out plastic sheeting palette and collage onto the support. No drawing was done. In fact no drawing was done all week, only brush work.
Image COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $185
Image COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $185
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Cabernet Time
13x10 acrylics on 140 lb Saunders cold press watercolor paper done last week while in Bob Burridge's Lubbock class. The instruction was on painting glass, reflections, and bounce light with few strokes of large brushes. A 1.5" brush was used with this image of red wine.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Cost: $185 (This work is SOLD)
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Cost: $185 (This work is SOLD)
Monday, October 16, 2017
Onions and Garlic
9x12 watercolor on Canson 140 lb cold press paper sketched yesterday in
under 10 minutes then painted in 45 minutes for this interesting still
life. Love to cook with both these vegetables so was a thrill to paint
them together. This was featured on this weekend's drawing event on WetCanvas.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net for purchase via PayPal Cost: $200
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net for purchase via PayPal Cost: $200
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Three Longhorns
5x7.5 watercolor and ink line (Micron 01 pen) on Moleskine sketchbook for watercolor done this weekend from some of my longhorn photos. I needed a little break from working with acrylics all week. Image is
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith. Email 1971ks@att.net for purchase via PayPal Cost: $115
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith. Email 1971ks@att.net for purchase via PayPal Cost: $115
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Clouds Ocean Trees Landscape
10x22.5 acrylics on gessoed watercolor paper painted this week on Tuesday during Bob Burridge's acrylic workshop in Lubbock, TX. An imaginary scene, I've done the foreground in dark silhouette framed by light and stormy clouds and pale orange underglow. The entire paper was painted first using a mixed orange tone.
Image COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net for purchase via PayPal
Image COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net for purchase via PayPal
Friday, October 13, 2017
Red Fat Pear
11x7.5 acrylics on gessoed watercolor paper done on first day of Bob Burridge's class Monday of this week. Based on a value study this pear radiates heat with its warm colors.
Image COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net for purchase info via PayPal
Image COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net for purchase info via PayPal
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Playful Labs
5.5x8.5 watercolor and ink line (Pigma Micron 01 pen) on Masters paper done last weekend for a WetCanvas event. Photo ref of the dogs courtesy of EP.
Image COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal
Image COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Red Roses Bouquet
11x7.5 acrylics painted yesterday while in Bob Burridge's class, an exercise in negative painting. Using a gessoed support of watercolor paper that had random color marks all over it from leftover paint, the vase was painted around then imaginary blooms and the table. Flower areas began with a red rose shape upper left as point of interest, larger and brighter. Parts of the original paper show through if you look closely at the vase and the bouquet itself. On Bob's color wheel, red was selected as the main interest point while turquoise blue is dominant hue.
Image COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal.
Image COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Green Pear
11x7.5 acrylic on gessoed watercolor paper, the color glazed same one I posted here yesterday. It has a thin film of dilute pigment applied all over with a wadded up paper towel dipped in yellow-green Liquitex paint. Touches of fluorescent pink was applied today for warm accents. Brush only; no pencil drawing.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal
Monday, October 9, 2017
Black and White Pear values
11x7.5 acrylics on gessoed Fabriano 140 lb hot press paper done this morning in Bob Burridge's Lubbock workshop. This was the second one we did as first was a round ball showing direction of light source, shadow side, and cast shadow as is shown here. Later we took a damp paper towel and rubbed a transparent color glaze over it. Sponsored by the West Texas Watercolor Society the class is held at the Ashmore Inn there.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith.
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Black and Green Thistle
5x7 alcohol inks on Yupo synthetic paper, a demo done during September's ink class. I was showing the students how to begin with light colored inks first and end with the darkest ones last. If not, mud can result. The round droplet areas made by scattering 91% alcohol drops onto the dried ink.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $95 + s/h
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email: 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $95 + s/h
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Ecuadorian Dancers
22x30 mixed media on Arches 140 lb hot press paper done today in a timed WetCanvas event. Participants had two hours to complete a painting and the challenge from host Susan was to work larger than you usually do. Media consisted of watercolor, oil pastels, white gel pen, and Montana acrylic markers. Background is a mix of palette colors that formed a neutral grey brown.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $795
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $795
Friday, October 6, 2017
Pink Thorns
6x4 alcohol inks done a few days ago using only three colors, canned air, and blotting excess ink with a tissue. This wildflower looked thorny to me, hence the title.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $105
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $105
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Sorrel Horse
11x14 watercolor vignette on Kilimanjaro 140 lb cold press paper done yesterday of a rodeo horse fellow artist Maria found. In her reference only the horse's head was shown, so I have added his neck, mane, ears and hackamore rope. His coat was painted with a limited palette of quinacridone burnt orange, quinacridone gold, burnt sienna, and ultramarine blue.This image is featured in current Southwest/Western forum on WetCanvas.com monthly challenge.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $300
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $300
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Red & Pink Cotton Candy ~ abstract floral
8x6 alcohol inks on white foamcore board done last month as one of the class demos. This is made with three or four colors of two warms and two cools.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $105
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith Email 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal Cost: $105
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
4x6 alcohol inks on professional photo paper; ink line is done with Micron 05 pen to show a few areas in this abstract pumpkin. This jack o' lantern appears to be on fire and melting with its snaggletooth mouth smiling. It was painted for #InkTober where participants pledge to do ink art once daily all of October.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith. Email 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal. Cost: $95 + sh
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith. Email 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal. Cost: $95 + sh
Monday, October 2, 2017
Broomsticks and Lipsticks
5.5x8 ink sketch with watercolor added done today for #InkTober, three fun witches and their fancy brooms. I loved the black lipstick the figurine dolls wore along with elegant brocade costumes. "Be still, my pretty!" Watch out for them flying about with their monkeys, especially with a full moon. Image featured on WetCanvas Miniature forum monthly challenge, courtesy of host Maria.
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith. Email 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal. Cost: $115
COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith. Email 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal. Cost: $115
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Stalker Cat
12x9 watercolor done yesterday as part of another WetCanvas challenge of doing a painting from images provided in a two hour time limit. This cat was about 1.5 hours and was painted wet on dry on new Fluid 140 lb cold press paper. Fluid is made in USA in Kansas City, MO., and is quite like working on velvet. I had a cat with similar coloring to this one named Taco Belle, a Maine Coon.
Image COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith. Email 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal. Cost: $225
Image COPYRIGHT 2017 Kay Smith. Email 1971ks@att.net to purchase via PayPal. Cost: $225
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Ladybug Life
8x5.5 markers and ink brush pen done last week in my second junk journal, a neurographic art which is my second attempt at this relaxing an...

15x11 watercolor of a very large strawberry painted twice on separate 140 lb cold press Kilimanjaro paper, then cut one into horizontal st...
8.5x5.5 watercolor over colored pencil sketch done last weekend in Masters Touch sketchbook; this cat belongs to artist Christine and her c...
8.5x5.5 mixed media on sketchbook 80 lb paper done about a week ago. I used wax crayons to sketch Santa then filled in colors with watercol...