Saturday, May 1, 2021

Busy Crow

6x6 watercolor and ink with Micron 01 pen on Masters sketchbook paper sketched awhile back but color was added today to complete the bird art. This crow looks preoccupied with finding something on the ground. I used all the darks on my palette to create greys and blacks then put a dab of transparent pyrrol orange in the chest area. Splattering was done when dry to add texture to the ground. COPYRIGHT 2021 Kay Smith

1 comment:

Jo Castillo said...

Well captured. Crows are smart and obnoxious. :-)

Drowsy Elephant

6x6 watercolor and ink using STA Lictin pen 0.3 and Gansai Tambi graphite paints by Kuretake. This is on Masters Touch 80 lb paper in sketc...