Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Garlic and Onions

9x12 mixed media (watercolor, ink, acrylic) on Cheap Joe's sketchbook that is hot press paper.  This was done yesterday for Sketchbook Skool in which we had to mark 2"-3" grid areas in pencil, then draw anything from life, paint in watercolor then do ink last going over pencil lines, then erase.  I used a fat garlic and three onions along with my small white ceramic garlic pot.  First I used a stencil and with dilute white with orange acrylic making a peach colored paint, did the stencil at random.  When dry, I drew in pencil with no preconceived ideas of what to put where nor what colors to use, so all is intuitive.  Lastly, Micron 01 pen covered the lines and extras were erased.
Image is COPYRIGHT 2014 Kay Smith.

1 comment:

Polly Birchall said...

I love this. And it is interesting to hear how you painted it

Cactus and Agave

8x6 watercolor on rough handmade paper done over a week ago combining two references into one composition of prickly pear cactus along with...