Friday, August 21, 2020

Fruit Pickles

5.5x8.5 watercolor and ink (Faber Castell Pitt pen) done today, a work on paper practicing the Sketchbook Skool style of illustrated journaling. With this, you can see a recipe for brine to make quick pickles, whether using fresh fruit or vegetables, to place in canning jars. COPYRIGHT 2015 Kay Smith


Jo Castillo said...

You have so many ideas. You could fill a journal in no time! I like this idea, will have to try it for Gene. Thanks.

The previous Brusho bird is a delight for the eyes.

Kay Smith said...

Thanks so much Jo!

Midday Sunflowers

6x6 watercolors over ink pen using STA Lictin 0.05 in Masters Touch sketchbook done last week, a bit early to see sunflowers so used my own...